
Donated next-generation ultrasound machine

Donated next-generation ultrasound machine

On 28 July 2023, in the Aula Magna of the S.S. Trinità di Borgomanero in the province of Novara, a press meeting performed to present the donation of a modern and technological ultrasound machine to the DEA/Emergency Medicine and Surgery Department.

This initiative was made possible thanks to the precious collaboration between the Association " La Mimosa Amici del Day Hospital Oncologico di Borgomanero" and Fratelli Frattini Spa. The ultrasound will greatly contribute to enriching the hospital's instrumental equipment, improving the diagnostic standard and the effectiveness of emergency procedures in the DEA/Emergency Room. For some years, Fratelli Frattini has embraced the mission of supporting the community and contributing to the well-being of fellow citizens. The decision to donate this device was inspired by an awareness of the vital importance of ultrasound in the process of diagnosing and treating patients in emergency situations. An early diagnosis quickly excludes serious and life-threatening diseases and allows doctors and health professionals to make timely and effective decisions to save lives and improve the quality of medical care.

Thus, close to Christmas 2022, by contacting Dr. Claudio Didino, Director of the Emergency Department, and Dr. Incoronata Romaniello, President of the Mimosa Friends Association of the Oncological Dh of Borgomanero-ODV, the equipment to be purchased was identified to reach the goal.

Giuseppino Frattini present at the conference accompanied by his niece Gloria Frattini representing the Frattini family and Fratelli Frattini company states: 

“The purchase of this precious tool supplied to the DEA/Emergency Room of Borgomanero makes us proud because it supports the work of our doctors, improving the first phase of hospital care, when more timely and precise urgent diagnoses make the difference.”